Sunday, September 28, 2008

In Memoriam

Another great. Gone.

My dad took me to see The Color of Money when I was eight years old. While The Hustler is a vastly superior film, that 1986 film was the first time I met Fast Eddie Felson. And amidst the many characters that have come and gone and occupied important places in my life, Fast Eddie's always been there. And he'll never leave.

But Mr. Newman? The only thing I'd add to all the wonderful things that he's said and that have been said about him, is that it's a difficult thing to be that good a gent while being that cool a gent.

And he did it as effortlessly as the smoothest straight shot to the pocket.

And the world's a lesser place for his leaving it.

Like Fast Eddie said, "It's just like one of those things that you never think about...but can make your day like electricity."

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