Friday, July 18, 2008

25 Words or Less...

Sure. I can do that.

The Dark Knight is the Batman film I've always dreamed of seeing.


Anonymous said...

Now, Mr. Film Critc... what is the philosphy behind this madness? Yeah, yeah, less is more I suppose... but I would have thought that YOU would have been up to the challenge and at least devoted more words to Dark Knight then you did to the Happening (oh, yeah... lame ol' me went back and counted---17 words mister)! Don't make me threaten a boycott again...

And- if you want a non-comic book reader's opnion.... hmmm maybe I'll blog about it myself! Let's see how ambitious I am!

Jet Ski Ham said...

A longer review has been in progress since Sunday. It will be posted soon. Gimme a break. That is all.

Anonymous said...

Ooohhhh goood! I am glad to hear it! We eagerly await your expert opinion! I am sorry if my impatience is frustrating-Thanks!