I need to do some editing, and with my new job, I haven't exactly had the time.
All that said, because I can't let a whole week go by without posting, here's a quick bit o' potty-funny. No worries, kids; it's quite harmless.
We've all seen our fair share of writing on privy walls, most of it spectacularly offensive and creatively, you know, bankrupt.
Every once in a while, when I see something that sets off my bizarrometer, I take a picture of it with my cell phone camera (which is what that particular invention was designed to capture).
Apologies for the focus. Needless to say, I snapped this under, shall we say, adverse conditions.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the most innocuous stall scrawl I've ever seen.

Alright, good people.
It's late. I'm tired. And there's so much left to do.
And I'll be shocked as hell if anyone can tell me what movie I'm quoting with those past three sentences.
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